From the Bonnington Centre Archive…

“For thirty years, Bonnington Square/Vauxhall Grove have been blighted by the Vauxhall Manor School Extension Plan. This was abandoned in 1983, and the Vauxhall Housing Co-operative, anticipating this, obtained a grant from the Inner City Partnership to carry out this study.

“Vauxhall Housing Co-operative was formed in 1981 by squatters in the area in an attempt to secure their homes and to save the houses, many of which at that point were empty and decaying rapidly. During the previous decade the ILEA had bought 79 of the 116 houses in the area and by 1981 were systematically rehousing tenants and boarding up or bricking up the houses.

“With such a high proportion of the housing in its ownership, the ILEA needs to give careful consideration to the best means of withdrawing from the area, taking into consideration its own political and practical interests and those of the local community. This Feasibility Study in the Vauxhall Housing Co-operative’s case for the retention of all the housing as fair or council rented accommodation. It sets out to demonstrate the feasibility of this argument, and draws on successful initiatives to improve the environment and establish a permanent co-operative in order to argue that the only promise of the area’s full restoration lies in support for community-based initiatives.”


RETURNING ‘after enthusiastic feedback from diners’…

Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 5th January 2023 and then weekly Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Fay’s Vegan and Vegetarian Breakfasts





Plus Traditional Tea Service with a selection of organic teas and herbal infusions with a variety of homemade vegetarian and vegan cakes at affordable prices 

Taster prices for BCCA Members 

(BCCA Membership costs £1 annually – contact BCCA Admin’ for details) Breakfast £5… (not including drink)

Full Tea Service FOR TWO £7.50 (pot of tea, finger sandwich cake + scone) none members + 25%
cup of tea @ £1.50 

2022: A year in the community of Bonnington Square

A photographic exhibition by Geir Engene

From Tuesday 3rd to Tuesday 31st January 2023 at the BCCA Café Gallery

Geir has lived in Bonnington Square since 2000. The pandemic lockdown Friday evening sing-songs in the Square inspired him to start a photographic record of the community activities in Bonnington Square, Vauxhall Grove and Langley Lane.

Death Café at Bonnington Centre Returns

Next meetings will resume Monday 9th and 23rd January 2023

This group is sponsored by BCCA after being suggested by local people. It has developed gradually out of a series of well-attended exploratory meetings into a regular warm and welcoming group.

Our Death Café is a place to meet face-to-face and freely share any topic around death & dying. It is informal, lightly facilitated and in BCCA’s lovely Community Café. No week or conversation is the same. Everyone is encouraged to join the Community Centre (£1 per annum), and to donate tea, coffee, biscuits, cake or money to cover basic costs. The Café meeting space is wheelchair accessible. There is a toilet, but it is not wheelchair-accessible.

About Jeff, Susan, Bernard and Nicky (rotating facilitators)

We are all people who want to make the topic of death a part of our everyday lives. We have experienced complex lives, illnesses and bereavement and are fascinated by the different experiences people share. We have to face and prepare for our own deaths.

Contact the organiser of this Death Café via

Click here for general information about what is a Death Café

BCCA Archive Project

BCCA is working in partnership with Phd researcher Xiuzheng Li of the UCL, Bartlett School of Architecture, to gather and compile a comprehensive digitised Archive of BCCA-related material including photographs, videos, audio, textual and other data that documents the long, rich and dynamic historical narrative of the Bonnington Centre and Café and its colourful relationship with the local and extended community.

If you have any potential archival material or if you might be interested in sharing your personal memories and recollections, please contact the Archive team at

The Archive will be available to BCCA members and will support funding bids towards the upkeep, improvement and ongoing sustainability of our historic building as a local community recreational meeting and eating place, wellbeing resource and haven.

Please share this notice with anyone you know who might like to contribute.

Annual Bonnington Winter Celebrations

On 21st December 2022 the Bonnington Centre and Community Café will co-host its regular annual winter solstice ‘BIG COMMUNITY PARTY’ with ‘Bring Food (Vegan and Vegetarian only) and Drinks to share”. As usual the event will be enthusiastically organised and hosted by Marie and Sandra. 

Celebrations will start at 4pm with communal dancing at St Anne’s Hall on the corner of Vauxhall Grove and Harleyford Road, two minutes walk from the Centre. Fleet of foot regulars will no doubt weave a tight core for others to swing, clap and laugh around. Dancing will be followed by traditional pagan carol singing outside ITALO, with mulled wine courtesy of Charlie, and seasonal address from David our local resident Druid.

There will also be a community screening of films in the Top Room at the Bonnington Centre, featuring a selection of interesting and diverse films made by young local filmmakers Dom Henderson, Charlie Usher, Sam Riley, Sabrina Jones, Patrick Bradley, Milo Anani and Juliet Hager.

It will no doubt be a special day. Please bring as many friends as you can bear to share with! 

Celebrations are FREE and everyone is welcome to join and participate in the fun.

Community Writing Project

One of a number of local creative initiatives encouraged and sponsored by BCCA is a Community Writing Project started by Victoria Conran. The project opened with a lively group of participants on Saturday 26th November, in the Middle Room of the Centre. During the workshop attendees shared their considerations about ‘what neighbourhood is and means to each of us’. By the end of the session everyone had produced several pieces of work with diverging impressions, feelings and imagery.

Feedback was enthusiastic,

‘Thank you for an excellent workshop, very well thought through and facilitated’

‘Thank you for an enlivening and sharing space and time for opening heart and mind’

— and everyone asked if further sessions are planned. The answer is YES!

Put the date in your diary now as places are limited.
Saturday January 14th 2023, 10am-1pm Bonnington Community Centre
To book your place contact: 07949 229256

Woman with a Crowbar

Alison Ramm was one of the first squatters in the early 1980s of 11 Vauxhall Grove that later became the BCCA building. Alison’s iconic ‘Woman with a Crowbar’ painting was originally hung above the Café’s open fireplace in celebration of the founding spirit of the local community when the Café provided a refuge for the squatters who’s vital energies gave heart and soul to its now historically renowned creative regeneration. The Cafe was then one of the only local dwellings with a working kitchen where squatters could meet in commune to share hot food, conversation and companionship by the warmth of a blazing fire. 

The Café became a renowned focal point to a vibrant alternative culture of energetic bohemians whose legacy still prevails attracting attention from around the world from those who still value its founding principals. Without Alison’s direct action and founding commitment the Bonnington Community Café would not exist. The painting mysteriously disappeared during the early 1990s.

After years of absence, a copy of the original painting was reproduced from photographs by its original creator and re-dedicated to the BCCA during a special Benefit Event on January 31st 2020 quietly organised by local veterans. The painting was ceremonially re-situated with great enthusiasm and support from over 100 members of the original squatter and current local community with free food and entertainments provided by some of the earliest Café cooks, and music played by members of the Happy End, an historic local musicians’ collective and other founding community members.

During recent renovations that marked the long awaited reclamation of the Cafe to its founding function and ethos, Alison’s Woman with a Crowbar copy was respectfully rehung above the fireplace in the first floor kitchenette to allow space for other local artists to share their works in the freshly revitalised Bonnington Centre Community Café and Gallery.


Bonnington Centre Community Café

The Café has reopened after essential renovation as a vegetarian and vegan eatery. The kitchen is in full use again in its beaming new facility.

The revived Café will function as a daytime community resource that prioritises local people. Hosting regular recurring and one-off events including workshops, clubs and pop-ups, the Café will also host an ongoing program of monthly arts exhibitions that will feature the works of local, associate, and invited artists.

BCCA pursues a policy of emphasis on the facilitation and participation of people living in the immediately local community whilst remaining open and welcoming to all comers from far, wide and beyond beyond!

The Café aims to function and serve as an inviting, homely accessible venue for daytime activities that cater for the creative expression, inclusive access, likes and preferences of local people. Evenings will continue to be dedicated to the production and serving of a variety of good hearty and healthy affordable vegetarian and vegan food, with an emphasis on encouraging and showcasing local cooks.

Any help that you can offer will be much appreciated. Please read our ‘Wish List’ on the Café window.

Cooking @ the Café

The Bonnington Centre Community Café Cooks list remains open to anyone who would like to cook and host an evening event at the Cafe. All Cooks will be required to fulfil BCCA Café user requirements before being granted licence to cook.

Cooks wishing to support access to nutritional wellbeing in the community by offering subsidised prices to BCAAs local and extended membership will be prioritised and eligible to gain subsidised Café hire rates after taster sessions have been successfully delivered, and Feedback from local diners has endorsed service delivery.

Cooks intending to host private cooking events and cooking events that are for profit will need to present individual Public Liability insurance.

Email Fabio, BCCA Community Café Administrator at to register your interest as a Cook or as an Exhibiting Artist.