29th November 2022 Community
BCCA Archive – Future Perspective 1983-4
This image is one of the rare and fascinating historic documents arising out of the BCCA Archives research.
Archival materials are now being digitally recorded, logged and compiled into a comprehensive and accessible Archive that will become the basis for BCCAs projected Heritage Lottery bid to raise sufficient funding to renovate the building that is in increasingly acute need of general overhaul. The completed archives might also be used toward publication.
This work is being undertaken at BCCA by Xiuzheng Li, a PhD research student at UCL Bartlett School of Architecture, assisted by local a local resident and is being supervised and supported by BCCA Trustees.
If you have any materials that you feel might be valuable toward the archive please let us know via BCCA Admin. This includes any photographs, text, personal memoirs, audio recordings, film, on-line materials or anything other that you feel of interest.