23rd September 2023 Arts
Charlie Boxer’s Film Night – October 4th 8.30pm
Film Night makes a welcome return to the top room of the Centre on Wednesday October 4th, highlighting the work of local film makers. Entry is free though we ask for donations. Here’s what Charlie says about the new programme:
“We are screening a number of short films. Lily Paine worked in Italo delicatessen for several years, a person of great and palpable genius, remarkable for her sublime nature and her fascinating poetic gift. NHS Scotland’s documentary unit have made an incredibly beautiful film about Lily’s complex medical condition – having developed Craniopharyngioma (an unusual type of non-malignant brain tumour) as a child, and then severe epilepsy as a teenager – and the way Lily and her mother Kirsty now live and cope with this in Glasgow. This extraordinary work is followed by a short film exploring an unknown British woodland, made by Lily’s father and Kirsty’s husband, the late Tom Paine, one of the most beautiful films in existence. Also on the programme will be short films made by several of the magnificent people who work behind the counter at Italo, namely, Dom Henderson and Rex Von Hofmannsthal, as well as shorts made by two much loved and valued customers, Bertie Bannerman and Raph Seymour.“